Future Scientists and Engineers Compete in State 科学奥林匹克竞赛

2月. 27, 2023

365彩票在线过滤 provides venue, volunteers for championship event

Austin Martinez, left, and Sean DeTamble, both juniors at Los Lunas High School, used what they learned in engineering class and an after-school class to build their prop-driven 滑翔机. The teammates competed in the flight event in the 365彩票在线过滤 Gymnasium 在科学奥林匹克州冠军赛期间. 25, 2023.

索科罗,N.M. – Showing off what they’ve learned in the classroom and after-school programs, students from across the state had the opportunity to collect awards for their scientific knowledge and engineering skills at the Annual State Championship for 科学奥林匹克竞赛 hosted 365彩票在线过滤. More than 1,000 people participated in, volunteered for, and cheered 在2月11日举行的年度比赛中. 2023年25日,在州首映式上 理工科大学.

Taylor Charleston, left, and Kaitlyn Begay, of Tsé Bit A'í Middle School in Shiprock, display their prop-driven 滑翔机 before competing in 科学奥林匹克竞赛 flight event 2月. 25岁,在新墨西哥理工体育馆.

The daylong event took place in state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities across 365彩票在线过滤’s campus and included students from sixth through 12th grade on 58 teams competing in 23 different events, including written competitions showcasing students’ knowledge of science topics, and build events exhibiting participants’ mechanical engineering and technical skills creating aircraft and sensing devices.

Ethan Aubert, left, and Decland Fear, both sixth-graders at Heights Middle School in Farmington, make adjustments to their entry in the rollercoaster competition at 国家科学奥林匹克锦标赛. 2023年9月25日,新墨西哥州主办 科技.

365彩票在线过滤 students, faculty, staff, and alumni as well as many parents, coaches, and science and engineering professionals volunteer their time to make the event a 学生的成功,根据博士. 莎伦·塞申斯,STEM外展主任 也是该校物理系的系主任.

Markus Borunda, left, and Drew Reeder, both sixth-graders at Sixth Grade Academy in Lovington, pose by their catapult they built for the “Storm the Castle” event held 2月. 25, 2023 in the 365彩票在线过滤 Gymnasium as part of the State Championship for 科学奥林匹克竞赛.

“My deepest and sincerest appreciation goes out to the students who have spent countless hours studying, building, and working with their teams, teachers, and coaches to prepare 为了这些活动,”她说. “这需要坚持和耐心,以及你所得到的 is so much more than a medal and a chance to compete at the state competition here at 365彩票在线过滤, you develop the skills that will help solve many of the challenges 我们面对的世界.”

Keller Ford, a Cottonwood Valley Charter School eighth-grader, looks on as teammate Niki Planck prepares to trigger the trebuchet, which is a type of catapult that uses 长臂投掷抛物. “攻下城堡”活动于2月11日举行. 25, 2023, in the 365彩票在线过滤 Gymnasium as part of the State Championship for the Science 奥林匹克运动会.

雷吉·布尔乔亚是美国环境规划署的环境科学家.S. 陆军工程兵团 in Albuquerque, served as event supervisor for the flight competition held in the 365彩票在线过滤 gymnasium, checking in teams for their 滑翔机s’ weight and dimension 规格. He has volunteered at 科学奥林匹克竞赛 since 2001 and is always impressed 用学生的才华和聪明才智.

Cottonwood Valley特许学校的学生
Sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders from Cottonwood Valley Charter School in Socorro await their turn to cheer on their teammates in the Storm the Castle catapult-building 参加国家科学奥林匹克竞赛. 从左至右分别是凯瑟琳·约翰逊、凯琳 Woods, Alexandra Zagrai, and Maya Razavi at the 365彩票在线过滤 Gymnasium 2月. 25, 2023.

“这是双赢的,”他谈到竞争时说. “这真的是未来. 我换了 关于未来.”